Pinecone ================================================== `Pinecone `__ provides a Hosted Inference API to various embedding and reranking models. ``pyterrier-services`` provides access to these APIs through :class:`~pyterrier_services.PineconeApi`. .. Note:: To use this API, you will need to have the pinecone package installed (``pip install pinecone``) and have a `Pinecone API Key `__. You can provide your API key through the environment variable ``PINECONE_API_KEY`` (preferred), or pass it to the constructor of :class:`~pyterrier_services.PineconeApi`. Examples -------------------------------- Learned Sparse ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python :caption: Indexing and retrieval with a Pinecone learned sparse model using :class:`pyterrier_pisa.PisaIndex` # Setup >>> from pyterrier_services import PineconeApi >>> from pyterrier_pisa import PisaIndex >>> pinecone = PineconeApi() >>> model = pinecone.sparse_model() >>> index = PisaIndex('my_index.pisa', stemmer='none') # Indexing >>> pipeline = model >> index >>> pipeline.index([ ... {'docno': 'doc1', 'text': 'PyTerrier: Declarative Experimentation in Python from BM25 to Dense Retrieval'}, ... {'docno': 'doc2', 'text': 'QPPTK@TIREx: Simplified Query Performance Prediction for Ad-Hoc Retrieval Experiments'}, ... ]) # Retrieval >>> pipeline = model >> index.quantized() >>>'pyterrier') qid query query_toks docno score rank 0 1 Retrieval {'retrieval': 1.0} doc2 30900.0 0 1 1 Retrieval {'retrieval': 1.0} doc1 29400.0 1 Dense ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python :caption: Indexing and retrieval with a Pinecone dense model using :class:`pyterrier_dr.FlexIndex` # Setup >>> from pyterrier_services import PineconeApi >>> from pyterrier_dr import FlexIndex >>> pinecone = PineconeApi() >>> model = pinecone.dense_model() >>> index = FlexIndex('my_index.flex') # Indexing >>> pipeline = model >> index >>> pipeline.index([ ... {'docno': 'doc1', 'text': 'PyTerrier: Declarative Experimentation in Python from BM25 to Dense Retrieval'}, ... {'docno': 'doc2', 'text': 'QPPTK@TIREx: Simplified Query Performance Prediction for Ad-Hoc Retrieval Experiments'}, ... ]) # Retrieval >>> pipeline = model >> index.retriever() >>>'pyterrier') qid query query_vec docno docid score rank 0 1 pyterrier [0.00923919677734375, -0.0171356201171875, -0.... doc1 0 0.814679 0 1 1 pyterrier [0.00923919677734375, -0.0171356201171875, -0.... doc2 1 0.722664 1 Re-Ranking ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code-block:: python :caption: Re-Ranking results with Pinecone >>> import pandas as pd >>> from pyterrier_services import PineconeApi >>> pinecone = PineconeApi() >>> model = pinecone.reranker() >>> model(pd.DataFrame([ ... {'qid': '1', 'query': 'retrieval', 'docno': 'doc1', 'text': 'PyTerrier: Declarative Experimentation in Python from BM25 to Dense Retrieval'}, ... {'qid': '1', 'query': 'retrieval', 'docno': 'doc2', 'text': 'QPPTK@TIREx: Simplified Query Performance Prediction for Ad-Hoc Retrieval Experiments'}, ])) qid query docno text score rank 0 1 retrieval doc2 QPPTK@TIREx: Simplified Query Performance Pred... 0.004811 0 1 1 retrieval doc1 PyTerrier: Declarative Experimentation in Pyth... 0.001598 1 API Documentation -------------------------------- .. autoclass:: pyterrier_services.PineconeApi :members: .. autoclass:: pyterrier_services.PineconeSparseModel :members: .. autoclass:: pyterrier_services.PineconeDenseModel :members: .. autoclass:: pyterrier_services.PineconeReranker :members: