Source code for pyterrier.bootstrap

from . import mavenresolver
from typing import Union, List

stdout_ref = None
stderr_ref = None
TERRIER_PKG = "org.terrier"

[docs]class IndexFactory: """ The ``of()`` method of this factory class allows to load a Terrier `Index <>`_. NB: This class "shades" the native Terrier `IndexFactory <>`_ class - it offers essential the same API, except that the ``of()`` method contains a memory kwarg, that can be used to load additional index data structures into memory. Terrier data structures that can be loaded into memory: - 'inverted' - the inverted index, contains posting lists for each term. In the default configuration, this is read in from disk in chunks. - 'lexicon' - the dictionary. By default, a binary search of the on-disk structure is used, so loading into memory can enhance speed. - 'meta' - metadata about documents. Used as the final stage of retrieval, one seek for each retrieved document. - 'direct' - contains posting lists for each document. No speed advantage for loading into memory unless pseudo-relevance feedback is being used. - 'document' - contains document lengths, which are anyway loaded into memory. No speed advantage for loading into memory unless pseudo-relevance feedback is being used. """ @staticmethod def _load_into_memory(index, structures=['lexicon', 'direct', 'inverted', 'meta'], load=False): REWRITES = { 'meta' : { # both metaindex implementations have the same property 'org.terrier.structures.ZstdCompressedMetaIndex' : { 'index.meta.index-source' : 'fileinmem', '' : 'fileinmem'}, 'org.terrier.structures.CompressingMetaIndex' : { 'index.meta.index-source' : 'fileinmem', '' : 'fileinmem'} }, 'lexicon' : { 'org.terrier.structures.FSOMapFileLexicon' : { '' : 'fileinmem' } }, 'direct' : { 'org.terrier.structures.bit.BitPostingIndex' : { '' : 'fileinmem'} }, 'inverted' : { 'org.terrier.structures.bit.BitPostingIndex' : { '' : 'fileinmem'} }, } if "direct" in structures: REWRITES['document'] = { # we have to be sensitive to the presence of fields or not # NB: loading these structures into memory only benefit direct index access 'org.terrier.structures.FSADocumentIndex' : { 'index.document.class' : 'FSADocumentIndexInMem' }, 'org.terrier.structures.FSAFieldDocumentIndex' : { 'index.document.class' : 'FSADocumentIndexInMemFields' } } from . import cast pindex = cast("org.terrier.structures.IndexOnDisk", index) load_profile = pindex.getIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval() dirty_structures = set() for s in structures: if not pindex.hasIndexStructure(s): continue clz = pindex.getIndexProperty(f"index.{s}.class", "notfound") if not clz in REWRITES[s]: raise ValueError(f"Cannot load structure {s} into memory, underlying class {clz} is not supported") # we only reload an index structure if a property has changed dirty = False for k, v in REWRITES[s][clz].items(): if pindex.getIndexProperty(k, "notset") != v: pindex.setIndexProperty(k, v) dirty_structures.add(s) # if the document index is reloaded, the inverted index should be reloaded too # NB: the direct index needs reloaded too, but this option is only available IF # the direct index is setup if s == "document": dirty_structures.add("inverted") # remove the old data structures from memory for s in dirty_structures: if pindex.structureCache.containsKey(s): pindex.structureCache.remove(s) # force the index structures to be loaded now if load: for s in dirty_structures: pindex.getIndexStructure(s) # dont allow the index properties to be rewritten pindex.dirtyProperties = False return index
[docs] @staticmethod def of(indexlike, memory : Union[bool, List[str]] = False): """ Loads an index. Returns a Terrier `Index <>`_ object. Args: indexlike(str or IndexRef): Where is the index located memory(bool or List[str]): If the index should be loaded into memory. Use `True` for all structures, or a list of structure names. """ from . import autoclass IOD = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.IndexOnDisk") load_profile = IOD.getIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval() if memory or (isinstance(memory, list) and len(memory) > 0): #MEMORY CAN BE A LIST? IOD.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(False) index = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.IndexFactory").of(indexlike) # noop if memory is False IOD.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(load_profile) if not memory: return index if isinstance(memory, list): return IndexFactory._load_into_memory(index, structures=memory) return IndexFactory._load_into_memory(index)
def logging(level): from jnius import autoclass autoclass("org.terrier.python.PTUtils").setLogLevel(level, None) # make an alias _logging = logging def new_indexref(s): from . import IndexRef return IndexRef.of(s) def new_wmodel(bytes): from . import autoclass serUtils = autoclass("org.terrier.python.Serialization") return serUtils.deserialize(bytes, autoclass("org.terrier.utility.ApplicationSetup").getClass("org.terrier.matching.models.WeightingModel") ) def new_callable_wmodel(byterep): import dill as pickle from dill import extend #see extend(use_dill=False) fn = pickle.loads(byterep) #we need to prevent these functions from being GCd. global SAVED_FNS SAVED_FNS.append(fn) from .batchretrieve import _function2wmodel callback, wmodel = _function2wmodel(fn) SAVED_FNS.append(callback) #print("Stored lambda fn %s and callback in SAVED_FNS, now %d stored" % (str(fn), len(SAVED_FNS))) return wmodel def javabytebuffer2array(buffer): assert buffer is not None def unsign(signed): return signed + 256 if signed < 0 else signed return bytearray([ unsign(buffer.get(offset)) for offset in range(buffer.capacity()) ]) def setup_jnius(): from jnius import protocol_map # , autoclass def _iterableposting_next(self): ''' dunder method for iterating IterablePosting ''' nextid = # 2147483647 is IP.EOL. fix this once static fields can be read from instances. if 2147483647 == nextid: raise StopIteration() return self # Map$Entry can be decoded like a tuple def MEgetitem(self, i): if i == 0: return self.getKey() if i == 1: return self.getValue() raise IndexError() protocol_map['java.util.Map$Entry'] = { '__getitem__' : MEgetitem, '__iter__' : lambda self: iter([self.getKey(), self.getValue()]), '__len__' : lambda self: 2 } protocol_map["org.terrier.structures.postings.IterablePosting"] = { '__iter__': lambda self: self, '__next__': lambda self: _iterableposting_next(self), '__str__': lambda self: self.toString() } protocol_map["org.terrier.structures.CollectionStatistics"] = { '__str__': lambda self: self.toString() } protocol_map["org.terrier.structures.LexiconEntry"] = { '__str__': lambda self: self.toString() } def _lexicon_getitem(self, term): ''' dunder method for accessing Lexicon ''' rtr = self.getLexiconEntry(term) if rtr is None: raise KeyError() return rtr protocol_map["org.terrier.structures.Lexicon"] = { '__getitem__': _lexicon_getitem, '__contains__': lambda self, term: self.getLexiconEntry(term) is not None, '__len__': lambda self: self.numberOfEntries() } def index_ref_reduce(self): return ( new_indexref, (str(self.toString()),), None ) protocol_map["org.terrier.querying.IndexRef"] = { '__reduce__' : index_ref_reduce, '__getstate__' : lambda self : None, } # handles the pickling of WeightingModel classes, which are themselves usually Serializable in Java def wmodel_reduce(self): from . import autoclass serUtils = autoclass("org.terrier.python.Serialization") serialized = bytes(serUtils.serialize(self)) return ( new_wmodel, (serialized, ), None ) protocol_map["org.terrier.matching.models.WeightingModel"] = { '__reduce__' : wmodel_reduce, '__getstate__' : lambda self : None, } def callable_wmodel_reduce(self): from . import autoclass # get bytebuffer representation of lambda # convert bytebyffer to python bytearray serlzd = self.scoringClass.serializeFn() bytesrep = javabytebuffer2array(serlzd) del(serlzd) return ( new_callable_wmodel, (bytesrep, ), None ) protocol_map["org.terrier.python.CallableWeightingModel"] = { '__reduce__' : callable_wmodel_reduce, '__getstate__' : lambda self : None, } def _index_add(self, other): from . import autoclass fields_1 = self.getCollectionStatistics().getNumberOfFields() fields_2 = self.getCollectionStatistics().getNumberOfFields() if fields_1 != fields_2: raise ValueError("Cannot document-wise merge indices with different numbers of fields (%d vs %d)" % (fields_1, fields_2)) blocks_1 = self.getCollectionStatistics().hasPositions() blocks_2 = other.getCollectionStatistics().hasPositions() if blocks_1 != blocks_2: raise ValueError("Cannot document-wise merge indices with and without positions (%r vs %r)" % (blocks_1, blocks_2)) multiindex_cls = autoclass("org.terrier.realtime.multi.MultiIndex") return multiindex_cls([self, other], blocks_1, fields_1 > 0) protocol_map["org.terrier.structures.Index"] = { # this means that len(index) returns the number of documents in the index '__len__': lambda self: self.getCollectionStatistics().getNumberOfDocuments(), # document-wise composition of indices: adding more documents to an index, by merging two indices with # different numbers of documents. This implemented by the overloading the `+` Python operator '__add__': _index_add } def setup_terrier(file_path, terrier_version=None, helper_version=None, boot_packages=[], force_download=True): """ Download Terrier's jar file for the given version at the given file_path Called by pt.init() Args: file_path(str): Where to download terrier_version(str): Which version of Terrier - None is latest release; "snapshot" uses Jitpack to download a build of the current Github 5.x branch. helper_version(str): Which version of the helper - None is latest """ # If version is not specified, find newest and download it if terrier_version is None: terrier_version = mavenresolver.latest_version_num(TERRIER_PKG, "terrier-assemblies") else: terrier_version = str(terrier_version) # just in case its a float # obtain the fat jar from Maven # "snapshot" means use to get a build of the current # 5.x branch from Github - see if terrier_version == "snapshot": trJar = mavenresolver.downloadfile("com.github.terrier-org.terrier-core", "terrier-assemblies", "5.x-SNAPSHOT", file_path, "jar-with-dependencies", force_download=force_download) else: trJar = mavenresolver.downloadfile(TERRIER_PKG, "terrier-assemblies", terrier_version, file_path, "jar-with-dependencies") # now the helper classes if helper_version is None: helper_version = mavenresolver.latest_version_num(TERRIER_PKG, "terrier-python-helper") else: helper_version = str(helper_version) # just in case its a float helperJar = mavenresolver.downloadfile(TERRIER_PKG, "terrier-python-helper", helper_version, file_path, "jar") classpath=[trJar, helperJar] for b in boot_packages: parts = b.split(":") if len(parts) < 2 or len(parts) > 4: raise ValueError("Invalid format for package %s" % b) group = parts[0] pkg = parts[1] filetype = "jar" version = None if len(parts) > 2: version = parts[2] if len(parts) > 3: filetype = parts[3] #print((group, pkg, filetype, version)) filename = mavenresolver.downloadfile(group, pkg, version, file_path, filetype) classpath.append(filename) return classpath, helper_version def is_windows() -> bool: import platform return platform.system() == 'Windows' def is_binary(f): import io return isinstance(f, (io.RawIOBase, io.BufferedIOBase)) def redirect_stdouterr(): from jnius import autoclass, PythonJavaClass, java_method # TODO: encodings may be a probem here class MyOut(PythonJavaClass): __javainterfaces__ = ['org.terrier.python.OutputStreamable'] def __init__(self, pystream): super(MyOut, self).__init__() self.pystream = pystream self.binary = is_binary(pystream) @java_method('()V') def close(self): self.pystream.close() @java_method('()V') def flush(self): self.pystream.flush() @java_method('([B)V', name='write') def writeByteArray(self, byteArray): # TODO probably this could be faster. for c in byteArray: self.writeChar(c) @java_method('([BII)V', name='write') def writeByteArrayIntInt(self, byteArray, offset, length): # TODO probably this could be faster. for i in range(offset, offset + length): self.writeChar(byteArray[i]) @java_method('(I)V', name='write') def writeChar(self, chara): if self.binary: return self.pystream.write(bytes([chara])) return self.pystream.write(chr(chara)) # we need to hold lifetime references to stdout_ref/stderr_ref, to ensure # they arent GCd. This prevents a crash when Java callsback to GCd py obj global stdout_ref global stderr_ref import sys stdout_ref = MyOut(sys.stdout) stderr_ref = MyOut(sys.stderr) jls = autoclass("java.lang.System") jls.setOut( autoclass('')( autoclass('org.terrier.python.ProxyableOutputStream')(stdout_ref), signature="(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V")) jls.setErr( autoclass('')( autoclass('org.terrier.python.ProxyableOutputStream')(stderr_ref), signature="(Ljava/io/OutputStream;)V"))