Source code for pyterrier.index

This file contains all the indexers.

from jnius import autoclass, PythonJavaClass, java_method, cast
from enum import Enum
import pandas as pd
from . import Indexer
import os
import enum
import json
import tempfile
import contextlib
import threading
import select
import math
from warnings import warn
from deprecated import deprecated
from collections import deque
from typing import List, Dict, Union, Any
import more_itertools

StringReader = None
HashMap = None
TaggedDocument = None
FlatJSONDocument = None
Tokeniser = None
TRECCollection = None
SimpleFileCollection = None
BasicIndexer = None
BlockIndexer = None
Collection = None
BasicSinglePassIndexer = None
BlockSinglePassIndexer = None
BasicMemoryIndexer = None
Arrays = None
Array = None
ApplicationSetup = None
Properties = None
CLITool = None
IndexRef = None
StructureMerger = None
BlockStructureMerger = None

# for backward compatibility
class IterDictIndexerBase(Indexer):
    @deprecated(version="0.9", reason="Use pt.Indexer instead of IterDictIndexerBase")
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(Indexer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

# lastdoc ensures that a Document instance from a Collection is not GCd before Java has used it.

def run_autoclass():
    from . import check_version
    global StringReader
    global HashMap
    global TaggedDocument
    global FlatJSONDocument
    global Tokeniser
    global TRECCollection
    global SimpleFileCollection
    global BasicIndexer
    global BlockIndexer
    global BasicSinglePassIndexer
    global BlockSinglePassIndexer
    global BasicMemoryIndexer
    global Collection
    global Arrays
    global Array
    global ApplicationSetup
    global Properties
    global CLITool
    global IndexRef
    global StructureMerger
    global BlockStructureMerger

    StringReader = autoclass("")
    HashMap = autoclass("java.util.HashMap")
    TaggedDocument = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.TaggedDocument")
    FlatJSONDocument = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.FlatJSONDocument")
    Tokeniser = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.tokenisation.Tokeniser")
    TRECCollection = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.TRECCollection")
    SimpleFileCollection = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.SimpleFileCollection")
    BasicIndexer = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.indexing.classical.BasicIndexer")
    BlockIndexer = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.indexing.classical.BlockIndexer")
    BasicSinglePassIndexer = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.BasicSinglePassIndexer")
    BlockSinglePassIndexer = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.indexing.singlepass.BlockSinglePassIndexer")
    BasicMemoryIndexer = autoclass("org.terrier.realtime.memory.MemoryIndexer" if check_version("5.7") else "org.terrier.python.MemoryIndexer")
    Collection = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.Collection")
    Arrays = autoclass("java.util.Arrays")
    Array = autoclass('java.lang.reflect.Array')
    ApplicationSetup = autoclass('org.terrier.utility.ApplicationSetup')
    Properties = autoclass('java.util.Properties')
    CLITool = autoclass("org.terrier.applications.CLITool")
    IndexRef = autoclass('org.terrier.querying.IndexRef')
    StructureMerger = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.merging.StructureMerger")
    BlockStructureMerger = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.merging.BlockStructureMerger")

type_to_class = {
    'trec' : 'org.terrier.indexing.TRECCollection',
    'trecweb' : 'org.terrier.indexing.TRECWebCollection',
    'warc' : 'org.terrier.indexing.WARC10Collection'

def createCollection(files_path : List[str], coll_type : str = 'trec', props = {}):
    if StringReader is None:
    if coll_type in type_to_class:
        collectionClzName = type_to_class[coll_type]
        collectionClzName = coll_type
    collectionClzName = collectionClzName.split(",")
    _props = HashMap()
    for k, v in props.items():
        _props[k] = v
    cls_string = autoclass("java.lang.String")._class
    cls_list = autoclass("java.util.List")._class
    if len(files_path) == 0:
        raise ValueError("list files_path cannot be empty")
    asList = createAsList(files_path)
    colObj = autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.CollectionFactory").loadCollections(
        [cls_list, cls_string, cls_string, cls_string],
        [asList, autoclass("org.terrier.utility.TagSet").TREC_DOC_TAGS, "", ""])
    return colObj

[docs]def treccollection2textgen( files : List[str], meta : List[str] = ["docno"], meta_tags : Dict[str,str] = {"text":"ELSE"}, verbose = False, num_docs = None, tag_text_length : int = 4096): """ Creates a generator of dictionaries on parsing TREC formatted files. This is useful for parsing TREC-formatted corpora in indexers like IterDictIndexer, or similar indexers in other plugins (e.g. ColBERTIndexer). Arguments: - files(List[str]): list of files to parse in TREC format. - meta(List[str]): list of attributes to expose in the dictionaries as metadata. - meta_tags(Dict[str,str]): mapping of TREC tags as metadata. - tag_text_length(int): maximium length of metadata. Defaults to 4096. - verbose(bool): set to true to show a TQDM progress bar. Defaults to True. - num_docs(int): a hint for TQDM to size the progress bar based on document counts rather than file count. Example:: files ="/path/to/Disk45") gen = pt.index.treccollection2textgen(files) index = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index45").index(gen) """ props = { "TrecDocTags.doctag": "DOC", "TrecDocTags.idtag": "DOCNO", "TrecDocTags.skip": "DOCHDR", "TrecDocTags.casesensitive": "false", # Should the tags from which we create abstracts be case-sensitive? 'TaggedDocument.abstracts.tags.casesensitive':'false' } props['TaggedDocument.abstracts'] = ','.join(meta_tags.keys()) # The tags from which to save the text. ELSE is special tag name, which means anything not consumed by other tags. props['TaggedDocument.abstracts.tags'] = ','.join(meta_tags.values()) # The max lengths of the abstracts. Abstracts will be truncated to this length. Defaults to empty. props['TaggedDocument.abstracts.lengths'] = ','.join([str(tag_text_length)] * len(meta_tags) ) collection = createCollection(files, props=props) if verbose: if num_docs is not None: collection = TQDMSizeCollection(collection, num_docs) else: collection = TQDMCollection(collection) while collection.nextDocument(): d = collection.getDocument() while not d.endOfDocument(): d.getNextTerm() rtr = {} for k in meta: rtr[k] = d.getProperty(k) for k in meta_tags: rtr[k] = d.getProperty(k) yield rtr
def _TaggedDocumentSetup( meta : Dict[str,int], #mapping from meta-key to length meta_tags : Dict[str,str] #mapping from meta-key to tag ): """ Property setup for TaggedDocument etc to generate abstracts """ abstract_tags=meta_tags.values() abstract_names=meta_tags.keys() abstract_lengths=[str(meta[name]) for name in abstract_names] ApplicationSetup.setProperty("TaggedDocument.abstracts", ",".join(abstract_names)) # The tags from which to save the text. ELSE is special tag name, which means anything not consumed by other tags. ApplicationSetup.setProperty("TaggedDocument.abstracts.tags", ",".join(abstract_tags)) # The max lengths of the abstracts. Abstracts will be truncated to this length. Defaults to empty. ApplicationSetup.setProperty("TaggedDocument.abstracts.lengths", ",".join(abstract_lengths)) # Should the tags from which we create abstracts be case-sensitive ApplicationSetup.setProperty("TaggedDocument.abstracts.tags.casesensitive", "false") def _FileDocumentSetup( meta : Dict[str,int], #mapping from meta-key to length meta_tags : Dict[str,str] #mapping from meta-key to tag ): """ Property setup for FileDocument etc to generate abstracts """ meta_name_for_abstract = None for k, v in meta_tags.items(): if v == 'ELSE': meta_name_for_abstract = k if meta_name_for_abstract is None: return if meta_name_for_abstract not in meta: raise ValueError("You need to specify a meta length for " + meta_name_for_abstract) abstract_length = meta[meta_name_for_abstract] ApplicationSetup.setProperty("FileDocument.abstract", meta_name_for_abstract) ApplicationSetup.setProperty("FileDocument.abstract.length", str(abstract_length)) def createAsList(files_path : Union[str, List[str]]): """ Helper method to be used by child indexers to add files to Java List Returns: Created Java List """ if isinstance(files_path, str): asList = Arrays.asList(files_path) elif isinstance(files_path, list): asList = Arrays.asList(*files_path) else: raise ValueError(f"{files_path}: {type(files_path)} must be a List[str] or str") return asList # Using enum class create enumerations
[docs]class IndexingType(enum.Enum): """ This enum is used to determine the type of index built by Terrier. The default is CLASSIC. For more information, see the relevant Terrier `indexer <>`_ and `realtime <>`_ documentation. """ CLASSIC = 1 #: A classical indexing regime, which also creates a direct index structure, useful for query expansion SINGLEPASS = 2 #: A single-pass indexing regime, which builds an inverted index directly. No direct index structure is created. Typically is faster than classical indexing. MEMORY = 3 #: An in-memory index. No persistent index is created.
_stemmer_cache = {}
[docs]class TerrierStemmer(Enum): """ This enum provides an API for the stemmers available in Terrier. The stemming configuration is saved in the index and loaded at retrieval time. `Snowball <>`_ stemmers for various languages `are available in Terrier <>`_. It can also be used to access the stemmer:: stemmer = pt.TerrierStemmer.porter stemmed_word = stemmer.stem('abandoned') """ none = 'none' #: Apply no stemming porter = 'porter' #: Apply Porter's English stemmer weakporter = 'weakporter' #: Apply a weak version of Porter's English stemmer # available snowball stemmers in Terrier danish = 'danish' #: Snowball Danish stemmer finnish = 'finnish' #: Snowball Finnish stemmer german = 'german' #: Snowball German stemmer hungarian = 'hungarian' #: Snowball Hungarian stemmer norwegian = 'norwegian' #: Snowball Norwegian stemmer portugese = 'portugese' #: Snowball Portuguese stemmer swedish = 'swedish' #: Snowball Swedish stemmer turkish = 'turkish' #: Snowball Turkish stemmer @staticmethod def _to_obj(this): try: return TerrierStemmer(this) except ValueError: return this @staticmethod def _to_class(this): if this is None or this == TerrierStemmer.none: return None if this == TerrierStemmer.porter: return 'PorterStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.weakporter: return 'WeakPorterStemmer' # snowball stemmers if this == TerrierStemmer.danish: return 'DanishSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.finnish: return 'FinnishSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.german: return 'GermanSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.hungarian: return 'HungarianSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.norwegian: return 'NorwegianSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.portugese: return 'PortugueseSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.swedish: return 'SwedishSnowballStemmer' if this == TerrierStemmer.turkish: return 'TurkishSnowballStemmer' if isinstance(this, str): return this def stem(self, tok): if self not in _stemmer_cache: clz_name = self._to_class(self) if clz_name is None: class NoOpStem(): def stem(self, word): return word _stemmer_cache[self] = NoOpStem() else: if '.' not in clz_name: clz_name = f'org.terrier.terms.{clz_name}' # stemmers are termpipeline objects, and these have chained constructors # pass None to use the appropriate constructor _stemmer_cache[self] = autoclass(clz_name)(None) return _stemmer_cache[self].stem(tok)
[docs]class TerrierStopwords(Enum): """ This enum provides an API for the stopword configuration used during indexing with Terrier """ none = 'none' #: No Stemming terrier = 'terrier' #: Apply Terrier's standard stopword list custom = 'custom' #: Apply PyTerrierCustomStopwordList.Indexing for indexing, and PyTerrierCustomStopwordList.Retrieval for retrieval @staticmethod def _to_obj(this): if isinstance(this, list): rtr = TerrierStopwords('custom') return rtr, list(this) try: return TerrierStopwords(this), None except ValueError: return this, None @staticmethod def _indexing_config(this, stopword_list : Union[List[str], None], termpipelines : List[str], properties : Dict[str,str], hooks : List): if this is None or this == TerrierStopwords.none: pass if this == TerrierStopwords.terrier: termpipelines.append('Stopwords') if this == TerrierStopwords.custom: from . import check_version assert check_version("5.8"), "Terrier 5.8 required" assert stopword_list is not None, "expected to receive a stopword list" stopword_list_esc = [t.replace(",", "\\,") for t in stopword_list ] properties["pyterrier.stopwords"] = ",".join(stopword_list_esc) termpipelines.append('org.terrier.python.PyTerrierCustomStopwordList$Indexing') # this hook updates the index's properties to handle the python stopwords list def _hook(pyindexer, index): from . import cast pindex = cast("org.terrier.structures.PropertiesIndex", index) # store the stopwords into the Index's properties pindex.setIndexProperty("pyterrier.stopwords", ",".join(stopword_list_esc)) # change the stopwords list implementation: the Indexing variant obtains # stopwords from the global ApplicationSetup properties, while the # Retrieval variant obtains them from the *Index* properties instead pindex.setIndexProperty("termpipelines", pindex.getIndexProperty('termpipelines', None) .replace('org.terrier.python.PyTerrierCustomStopwordList$Indexing', 'org.terrier.python.PyTerrierCustomStopwordList$Retrieval')) pindex.flush() hooks.append(_hook)
[docs]class TerrierTokeniser(Enum): """ This enum provides an API for the tokeniser configuration used during indexing with Terrier. """ whitespace = 'whitespace' #: Tokenise on whitespace only english = 'english' #: Terrier's standard tokeniser, designed for English utf = 'utf' #: A variant of Terrier's standard tokeniser, similar to English, but with UTF support. twitter = 'twitter' #: Like utf, but keeps hashtags etc identity = 'identity' #: Performs no tokenisation - strings are kept as is. @staticmethod def _to_obj(this): try: return TerrierTokeniser(this) except ValueError: return this @staticmethod def _to_class(this): if this == TerrierTokeniser.whitespace: return 'WhitespaceTokeniser' if this == TerrierTokeniser.english: return 'EnglishTokeniser' if this == TerrierTokeniser.utf: return 'UTFTokeniser' if this == TerrierTokeniser.twitter: return 'UTFTwitterTokeniser' if this == TerrierTokeniser.identity: return 'IdentityTokeniser' if isinstance(this, str): return this
[docs]class TerrierIndexer: """ This is the super class for all of the Terrier-based indexers exposed by PyTerrier. It hosts common configuration for all index types. """ default_properties = { "TrecDocTags.doctag": "DOC", "TrecDocTags.idtag": "DOCNO", "TrecDocTags.skip": "DOCHDR", "TrecDocTags.casesensitive": "false", "trec.collection.class": "TRECCollection", } def __init__(self, index_path : str, *args, blocks : bool = False, overwrite: bool = False, verbose : bool = False, meta_reverse : List[str] = ["docno"], stemmer : Union[None, str, TerrierStemmer] = TerrierStemmer.porter, stopwords : Union[None, TerrierStopwords, List[str]] = TerrierStopwords.terrier, tokeniser : Union[str,TerrierTokeniser] = TerrierTokeniser.english, type=IndexingType.CLASSIC, **kwargs): """ Constructor called by all indexer subclasses. All arguments listed below are available in IterDictIndexer, DFIndexer, TRECCollectionIndexer and FilesIndsexer. Args: index_path (str): Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY. blocks (bool): Create indexer with blocks if true, else without blocks. Default is False. overwrite (bool): If index already present at `index_path`, True would overwrite it, False throws an Exception. Default is False. verbose (bool): Provide progess bars if possible. Default is False. stemmer (TerrierStemmer): the stemmer to apply. Default is ``TerrierStemmer.porter``. stopwords (TerrierStopwords): the stopwords list to apply. Default is ``TerrierStemmer.terrier``. tokeniser (TerrierTokeniser): the stemmer to apply. Default is ``TerrierTokeniser.english``. type (IndexingType): the specific indexing procedure to use. Default is ``IndexingType.CLASSIC``. """ if StringReader is None: run_autoclass() if type is IndexingType.MEMORY: self.path = None else: self.path = os.path.join(index_path, "") if not os.path.isdir(index_path): os.makedirs(index_path) self.index_called = False self.index_dir = index_path self.blocks = blocks self.type = type self.stemmer = TerrierStemmer._to_obj(stemmer) self.stopwords, self.stopword_list = TerrierStopwords._to_obj(stopwords) self.tokeniser = TerrierTokeniser._to_obj(tokeniser) = Properties() self.setProperties(**self.default_properties) self.overwrite = overwrite self.verbose = verbose self.meta_reverse = meta_reverse self.cleanup_hooks = [] def setProperty(self, k, v): """ Set the named property to the specified value. Args: k(str): name of the Terrier property v(str): value of the Terrier property Usage:: indexer.setProperty("termpipelines", "") """, str(v)) def setProperties(self, **kwargs): """ Set the properties to the given ones. Args: **kwargs: Properties to set to. Usage: >>> setProperties(**{property1:value1, property2:value2}) """ for key, value in kwargs.items():, str(value)) def checkIndexExists(self): """ Check if index exists at the `path` given when object was created """ if self.path is None: return if os.path.isfile(self.path): if not self.overwrite: raise ValueError("Index already exists at " + self.path) if self.index_called: raise Exception("Index method can be called only once") def createIndexer(self): """ Checks `self.type` and - if false, check `blocks` and create a BlockIndexer if true, else create BasicIndexer - if true, check `blocks` and create a BlockSinglePassIndexer if true, else create BasicSinglePassIndexer Returns: Created Java object extending org.terrier.structures.indexing.Indexer """ Indexer, _ = self.indexerAndMergerClasses() if Indexer is BasicMemoryIndexer: index = Indexer() else: index = Indexer(self.index_dir, "data") assert index is not None return index def indexerAndMergerClasses(self): """ Check `single_pass` and - if false, check `blocks` and create a BlockIndexer if true, else create BasicIndexer - if true, check `blocks` and create a BlockSinglePassIndexer if true, else create BasicSinglePassIndexer Returns: type objects for indexer and merger for the given configuration """ # configure the meta index['indexer.meta.forward.keys'] = ','.join(self.meta.keys())['indexer.meta.forward.keylens'] = ','.join([str(l) for l in self.meta.values()])['indexer.meta.reverse.keys'] = ','.join(self.meta_reverse) # configure the term pipeline if 'termpipelines' in # use existing configuration if present warn("Setting of termpipelines property directly is deprecated", stacklevel=4, category=DeprecationWarning) else: termpipeline = [] TerrierStopwords._indexing_config(self.stopwords, self.stopword_list, termpipeline,, self.cleanup_hooks) stemmer_clz = TerrierStemmer._to_class(self.stemmer) if stemmer_clz is not None: termpipeline.append(stemmer_clz)['termpipelines'] = ','.join(termpipeline) if "tokeniser" in warn("Setting of tokeniser property directly is deprecated", stacklevel=4, category=DeprecationWarning) else:['tokeniser'] = TerrierTokeniser._to_class(self.tokeniser) # inform terrier of all properties ApplicationSetup.getProperties().putAll( # now create the indexers if self.type is IndexingType.SINGLEPASS: if self.blocks: Indexer = BlockSinglePassIndexer Merger = BlockStructureMerger else: Indexer = BasicSinglePassIndexer Merger = StructureMerger elif self.type is IndexingType.CLASSIC: if self.blocks: Indexer = BlockIndexer Merger = BlockStructureMerger else: Indexer = BasicIndexer Merger = StructureMerger elif self.type is IndexingType.MEMORY: if self.blocks: raise Exception("Memory indexing with positions not yet implemented") else: Indexer = BasicMemoryIndexer Merger = None else: raise Exception("Unknown indexer type") assert Indexer is not None return Indexer, Merger def getIndexStats(self): """ Prints the index statistics Note: Does not work with notebooks at the moment """ CLITool.main(["indexstats", "-I" + self.path]) def getIndexUtil(self, util): """ Utilities for displaying the content of an index Note: Does not work with notebooks at the moment Args: util: which util to print Possible Utils: util(string): possible values: printbitentry printlex printlist printlistentry printmeta printposting printpostingfile printterm """ if not util.startswith("-"): util = "-" + util CLITool.main(["indexutil", "-I" + self.path, util])
class DFIndexUtils: @staticmethod def get_column_lengths(df): import math meta2len = dict([(v, df[v].apply(lambda r: len(str(r)) if r!=None else 0).max())for v in df.columns.values]) # nan values can arise if df is empty. Here we take a metalength of 1 instead. meta2len = {k : 1 if math.isnan(l) else l for k, l in meta2len.items()} return meta2len @staticmethod def create_javaDocIterator(text, *args, **kwargs): if HashMap is None: run_autoclass() all_metadata = {} for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, pd.Series): all_metadata[] = arg assert len(arg) == len(text), "Length of metadata arguments needs to be equal to length of text argument" elif isinstance(arg, pd.DataFrame): for name, column in arg.items(): all_metadata[name] = column assert len(column) == len(text), "Length of metadata arguments needs to be equal to length of text argument" else: raise ValueError(f"Non-keyword args need to be of type pandas.Series or pandas.DataFrame, argument {i} was {type(arg)}") for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, (pd.Series, list, tuple)): all_metadata[key] = value assert len(value) == len(value), "Length of metadata arguments needs to be equal to length of text argument" elif isinstance(value, pd.DataFrame): for name, column in arg.items(): all_metadata[name] = column assert len(column) == len(text), "Length of metadata arguments needs to be equal to length of text argument" else: raise ValueError("Keyword kwargs need to be of type pandas.Series, list or tuple") if "docno" not in all_metadata: raise ValueError('No docno column specified, while PyTerrier assumes a docno should exist. Found meta columns were %s' % str(list(all_metadata.keys()))) # this method creates the documents as and when needed. def convertDoc(text_row, meta_column): if text_row is None: text_row = "" hashmap = HashMap() for column, value in meta_column[1].items(): if value is None: value = "" hashmap.put(column, value) return TaggedDocument(StringReader(text_row), hashmap, Tokeniser.getTokeniser()) df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(all_metadata, orient="columns") lengths = DFIndexUtils.get_column_lengths(df) return ( PythonListIterator( text.values, df.iterrows(), convertDoc, len(text.values), ), lengths)
[docs]class DFIndexer(TerrierIndexer): """ Use this Indexer if you wish to index a pandas.Dataframe """
[docs] def index(self, text, *args, **kwargs): """ Index the specified Args: text(pd.Series): A pandas.Series(a column) where each row is the body of text for each document *args: Either a pandas.Dataframe or pandas.Series. If a Dataframe: All columns(including text) will be passed as metadata If a Series: The Series name will be the name of the metadata field and the body will be the metadata content **kwargs: Either a list, a tuple or a pandas.Series The name of the keyword argument will be the name of the metadata field and the keyword argument contents will be the metadata content """ self.checkIndexExists() # we need to prevent collectionIterator from being GCd, so assign to a variable that outlives the indexer collectionIterator, meta_lengths = DFIndexUtils.create_javaDocIterator(text, *args, **kwargs) # record the metadata key names and the length of the values self.meta = meta_lengths # make a Collection class for Terrier javaDocCollection = autoclass("org.terrier.python.CollectionFromDocumentIterator")(collectionIterator) if self.verbose: javaDocCollection = TQDMSizeCollection(javaDocCollection, len(text)) index = self.createIndexer() index.index(autoclass("org.terrier.python.PTUtils").makeCollection(javaDocCollection)) global lastdoc lastdoc = None javaDocCollection.close() self.index_called = True collectionIterator = None for hook in self.cleanup_hooks: hook(self, index.getIndex()) if self.type is IndexingType.MEMORY: return index.getIndex().getIndexRef() return IndexRef.of(self.index_dir + "/")
class PythonListIterator(PythonJavaClass): __javainterfaces__ = ['java/util/Iterator'] def __init__(self, text, meta, convertFn, len=None, index=0): super(PythonListIterator, self).__init__() self.text = text self.meta = meta self.index = index self.convertFn = convertFn if len is None: self.len = len(self.text) else: self.len = len @java_method('()V') def remove(): # 1 pass @java_method('(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V') def forEachRemaining(action): # 1 pass @java_method('()Z') def hasNext(self): return self.index < self.len @java_method('()Ljava/lang/Object;') def next(self): text = self.text[self.index] meta = self.meta.__next__() self.index += 1 global lastdoc if self.convertFn is not None: lastdoc = self.convertFn(text, meta) else: lastdoc = [text, meta] return lastdoc class FlatJSONDocumentIterator(PythonJavaClass): __javainterfaces__ = ['java/util/Iterator'] def __init__(self, it): super(FlatJSONDocumentIterator, self).__init__() if FlatJSONDocument is None: run_autoclass() self._it = it # easiest way to support hasNext is just to start consuming right away, I think self._next = next(self._it, StopIteration) @java_method('()V') def remove(): # 1 pass @java_method('(Ljava/util/function/Consumer;)V') def forEachRemaining(action): # 1 pass @java_method('()Z') def hasNext(self): return self._next is not StopIteration @java_method('()Ljava/lang/Object;') def next(self): result = self._next self._next = next(self._it, StopIteration) if result is not StopIteration: global lastdoc lastdoc = FlatJSONDocument(json.dumps(result)) return lastdoc return None class _BaseIterDictIndexer(TerrierIndexer, Indexer): def __init__(self, index_path, *args, meta = {'docno' : 20}, meta_reverse=['docno'], pretokenised=False, threads=1, **kwargs): """ Args: index_path(str): Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY. meta(Dict[str,int]): What metadata for each document to record in the index, and what length to reserve. Metadata fields will be truncated to this length. Defaults to `{"docno" : 20}`. meta_reverse(List[str]): What metadata shoudl we be able to resolve back to a docid. Defaults to `["docno"]`, """ Indexer.__init__(self) TerrierIndexer.__init__(self, index_path, *args, **kwargs) self.threads = threads self.meta = meta self.meta_reverse = meta_reverse self.pretokenised = pretokenised if self.pretokenised: from pyterrier import check_version assert check_version(5.7), "Terrier too old, this requires 5.7" # we disable stemming and stopwords for pretokenised indices self.stemmer = None self.stopwords = None def _setup(self, fields, meta, meta_lengths): """ Index the specified iter of dicts with the (optional) specified fields Args: it(iter[dict]): an iter of document dict to be indexed fields(list[str]): keys to be indexed as fields meta(dict[str,int]): keys to be considered as metdata, and their lengths meta_lengths(list[int]): deprecated """ self.checkIndexExists() if isinstance(meta, dict): self.meta = meta else: if meta_lengths is None: # the ramifications of setting all lengths to a large value is an overhead in memory usage during decompression # also increased reverse lookup file if reverse meta lookups are enabled. meta_lengths = ['512'] * len(meta) self.meta = { k:v for k,v in zip( meta, meta_lengths)} if self.pretokenised: self.setProperties(**{ 'metaindex.compressed.crop.long' : 'true', 'FieldTags.process': '', 'FieldTags.casesensitive': 'true', }) else: self.setProperties(**{ 'metaindex.compressed.crop.long' : 'true', 'FieldTags.process': ','.join(fields), 'FieldTags.casesensitive': 'true', }) def _filter_iterable(self, it, indexed_fields): # Only include necessary fields: those that are indexed, metadata fields, and docno # Also, check that the provided iterator is a suitable format if self.pretokenised: all_fields = {'docno', "toks"} | set(self.meta.keys()) else: all_fields = {'docno'} | set(indexed_fields) | set(self.meta.keys()) (first_doc,), it = more_itertools.spy(it) # peek at the first document and validate it self._validate_doc_dict(first_doc) # important: return an iterator here, rather than make this function a generator, # to be sure that the validation above happens when _filter_iterable is called, # rather than on the first invocation of next() return ({f: doc[f] for f in all_fields} for doc in it) def _is_dict(self, obj): return hasattr(obj, '__getitem__') and hasattr(obj, 'items') def _validate_doc_dict(self, obj): """ Raise errors/warnings for common indexing mistakes """ if not self._is_dict(obj): raise ValueError("Was passed %s while expected dict-like object" % (str(type(obj)))) if self.meta is not None: for k in self.meta: if k not in obj: raise ValueError(f"Indexing meta key {k} not found in first document (keys {list(obj.keys())})") if len(obj[k]) > int(self.meta[k]): msg = f"Indexing meta key {k} length requested {self.meta[k]} but exceeded in first document (actual length {len(obj[k])}). " + \ f"Increase the length in the meta dict for the indexer, e.g., pt.IterDictIndexer(..., meta={ {k: len(obj[k])} })." if k == 'docno': # docnos that are truncated will cause major issues; raise an error raise ValueError(msg) else: # Other fields may not matter as much; just show a warning warn(msg) class _IterDictIndexer_nofifo(_BaseIterDictIndexer): """ Use this Indexer if you wish to index an iter of dicts (possibly with multiple fields). This version is used for Windows -- which doesn't support the faster fifo implementation. """ def index(self, it, fields=('text',), meta=None, meta_lengths=None, threads=None): """ Index the specified iter of dicts with the (optional) specified fields Args: it(iter[dict]): an iter of document dict to be indexed fields(list[str]): keys to be indexed as fields meta(list[str]): keys to be considered as metdata. Deprecated meta_lengths(list[int]): length of metadata, defaults to 512 characters. Deprecated """ if meta is not None: warn('specifying meta and meta_lengths in IterDictIndexer.index() is deprecated, use kwargs in constructor instead', DeprecationWarning, 2) self.meta = meta if meta_lengths is not None: self.meta = {zip(meta, meta_lengths)} self._setup(fields, self.meta, None) assert self.threads == 1, 'IterDictIndexer does not support multiple threads on Windows' indexer = self.createIndexer() if self.pretokenised: assert not self.blocks, "pretokenised isnt compatible with blocks" # we generate DocumentPostingList from a dictionary of pretokenised text, e.g. # [ # {'docno' : 'd1', 'toks' : {'a' : 1, 'aa' : 2}} # ] iter_docs = DocListIterator(self._filter_iterable(it, fields)) self.index_called = True indexer.indexDocuments(iter_docs) iter_docs = None else: # we need to prevent collectionIterator from being GCd collectionIterator = FlatJSONDocumentIterator(self._filter_iterable(it, fields)) javaDocCollection = autoclass("org.terrier.python.CollectionFromDocumentIterator")(collectionIterator) # remove once 5.7 is now the minimum version from . import check_version indexer.index(javaDocCollection if check_version("5.7") else [javaDocCollection]) global lastdoc lastdoc = None self.index_called = True collectionIterator = None indexref = None if self.type is IndexingType.MEMORY: index = indexer.getIndex() indexref = index.getIndexRef() else: from . import IndexFactory indexref = IndexRef.of(self.index_dir + "/") if len(self.cleanup_hooks) > 0: sindex = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.Index") sindex.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(False) index = IndexFactory.of(indexref) for hook in self.cleanup_hooks: hook(self, index) sindex.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(True) return indexref class _IterDictIndexer_fifo(_BaseIterDictIndexer): """ Use this Indexer if you wish to index an iter of dicts (possibly with multiple fields). This version is optimized by using multiple threads and POSIX fifos to tranfer data, which ends up being much faster. """ def index(self, it, fields=('text',), meta=None, meta_lengths=None): """ Index the specified iter of dicts with the (optional) specified fields Args: it(iter[dict]): an iter of document dict to be indexed fields(list[str]): keys to be indexed as fields meta(list[str]): keys to be considered as metdata meta_lengths(list[int]): length of metadata, defaults to 512 characters """ CollectionFromDocumentIterator = autoclass("org.terrier.python.CollectionFromDocumentIterator") JsonlDocumentIterator = autoclass("org.terrier.python.JsonlDocumentIterator") if self.pretokenised: JsonlTokenisedIterator = autoclass("org.terrier.python.JsonlPretokenisedIterator") ParallelIndexer = autoclass("org.terrier.python.ParallelIndexer") if meta is not None: warn('specifying meta and meta_lengths in IterDictIndexer.index() is deprecated, use constructor instead', DeprecationWarning, 2) self.meta = meta if meta_lengths is not None: self.meta = {zip(meta, meta_lengths)} self._setup(fields, self.meta, None) os.makedirs(self.index_dir, exist_ok=True) # ParallelIndexer expects the directory to exist Indexer, Merger = self.indexerAndMergerClasses() assert self.threads > 0, "threads must be positive" if Indexer is BasicMemoryIndexer: assert self.threads == 1, 'IterDictIndexer does not support multiple threads for IndexingType.MEMORY' if self.threads > 1: warn('Using multiple threads results in a non-deterministic ordering of document in the index. For deterministic behavior, use threads=1') # Document iterator fifos = [] j_collections = [] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as d: # Make a POSIX FIFO with associated java collection for each thread to use for i in range(self.threads): fifo = f'{d}/docs-{i}.jsonl' os.mkfifo(fifo) if (self.pretokenised): j_collections.append(JsonlTokenisedIterator(fifo)) else: j_collections.append(CollectionFromDocumentIterator(JsonlDocumentIterator(fifo))) fifos.append(fifo) # Start dishing out the docs to the fifos threading.Thread(target=self._write_fifos, args=(self._filter_iterable(it, fields), fifos), daemon=True).start() # Different process for memory indexer (still taking advantage of faster fifos) if Indexer is BasicMemoryIndexer: indexer = Indexer() if self.pretokenised: indexer.indexDocuments(j_collections) else: indexer.index(j_collections) for hook in self.cleanup_hooks: hook(self, indexer.getIndex()) return indexer.getIndex().getIndexRef() # Start the indexing threads if self.pretokenised: ParallelIndexer.buildParallelTokenised(j_collections, self.index_dir, Indexer, Merger) else: ParallelIndexer.buildParallel(j_collections, self.index_dir, Indexer, Merger) indexref = None from . import IndexFactory indexref = IndexRef.of(self.index_dir + "/") if len(self.cleanup_hooks) > 0: sindex = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.Index") sindex.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(False) index = IndexFactory.of(indexref) sindex.setIndexLoadingProfileAsRetrieval(True) for hook in self.cleanup_hooks: hook(self, index) return indexref def _write_fifos(self, it, fifos): c = len(fifos) with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack: fifos = [stack.enter_context(open(f, 'wt')) for f in fifos] ready = None for doc in it: if not ready: # either first iteration or deque is empty if len(fifos) > 1: # Not all the fifos may be ready yet for the next document. Rather than # witing for the next one to finish up, go ahead and can check wich are ready # with the select syscall. This will block until at least one is ready. This # optimization can actually have a pretty big impact-- on CORD19, indexing # with 8 threads was 30% faster with this. _, ready, _ =[], fifos, []) ready = deque(ready) else: # single threaded mode ready = deque(fifos) fifo = ready.popleft() if 'toks' in doc: doc['toks'] = {k: int(v) for k, v in doc['toks'].items()} # cast all values as ints json.dump(doc, fifo) fifo.write('\n') # Windows doesn't support fifos -- so we have 2 versions. # Choose which one to expose based on whether os.mkfifo exists. if hasattr(os, 'mkfifo'): IterDictIndexer = _IterDictIndexer_fifo else: IterDictIndexer = _IterDictIndexer_nofifo IterDictIndexer.__name__ = 'IterDictIndexer' # trick sphinx into not using "alias of"
[docs]class TRECCollectionIndexer(TerrierIndexer): """ Use this Indexer if you wish to index a TREC formatted collection """ def __init__(self, index_path : str, collection : str = "trec", verbose : bool = False, meta : Dict[str,int] = {"docno" : 20}, meta_reverse : List[str] = ["docno"], meta_tags : Dict[str,str] = {}, **kwargs ): """ Init method Args: index_path (str): Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY. blocks (bool): Create indexer with blocks if true, else without blocks. Default is False. overwrite (bool): If index already present at `index_path`, True would overwrite it, False throws an Exception. Default is False. type (IndexingType): the specific indexing procedure to use. Default is IndexingType.CLASSIC. collection (Class name, or Class instance, or one of "trec", "trecweb", "warc"). Default is "trec". meta(Dict[str,int]): What metadata for each document to record in the index, and what length to reserve. Metadata fields will be truncated to this length. Defaults to `{"docno" : 20}`. meta_reverse(List[str]): What metadata shoudl we be able to resolve back to a docid. Defaults to `["docno"]`. meta_tags(Dict[str,str]): For collections formed using tagged data (e.g. HTML), which tags correspond to which metadata. This is useful for recording the text of documents for use in neural rankers - see :ref:`pt.text`. """ super().__init__(index_path, **kwargs) if isinstance(collection, str): if collection in type_to_class: collection = type_to_class[collection] self.collection = collection self.verbose = verbose self.meta = meta self.meta_reverse = meta_reverse self.meta_tags = meta_tags
[docs] def index(self, files_path : Union[str,List[str]]): """ Index the specified TREC formatted files Args: files_path: can be a String of the path or a list of Strings of the paths for multiple files """ self.checkIndexExists() index = self.createIndexer() asList = createAsList(files_path) _TaggedDocumentSetup(self.meta, self.meta_tags) colObj = createCollection(files_path, self.collection) if self.verbose and isinstance(colObj, autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.MultiDocumentFileCollection")): colObj = cast("org.terrier.indexing.MultiDocumentFileCollection", colObj) colObj = TQDMCollection(colObj) import pyterrier as pt # remove once 5.7 is now the minimum version if pt.check_version("5.7"): index.index(colObj) else: index.index(autoclass("org.terrier.python.PTUtils").makeCollection(colObj)) global lastdoc lastdoc = None colObj.close() self.index_called = True for hook in self.cleanup_hooks: hook(self, index.getIndex()) if self.type is IndexingType.MEMORY: return index.getIndex().getIndexRef() return IndexRef.of(self.index_dir + "/")
[docs]class FilesIndexer(TerrierIndexer): ''' Use this Indexer if you wish to index a pdf, docx, txt etc files Args: index_path (str): Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY. blocks (bool): Create indexer with blocks if true, else without blocks. Default is False. type (IndexingType): the specific indexing procedure to use. Default is IndexingType.CLASSIC. meta(Dict[str,int]): What metadata for each document to record in the index, and what length to reserve. Metadata fields will be truncated to this length. Defaults to `{"docno" : 20, "filename" : 512}`. meta_reverse(List[str]): What metadata shoudl we be able to resolve back to a docid. Defaults to `["docno"]`, meta_tags(Dict[str,str]): For collections formed using tagged data (e.g. HTML), which tags correspond to which metadata. Defaults to empty. This is useful for recording the text of documents for use in neural rankers - see :ref:`pt.text`. ''' def __init__(self, index_path, *args, meta={"docno" : 20, "filename" : 512}, meta_reverse=["docno"], meta_tags={}, **kwargs): super().__init__(index_path, *args, **kwargs) self.meta = meta self.meta_reverse = meta_reverse self.meta_tags = meta_tags
[docs] def index(self, files_path : Union[str,List[str]]): """ Index the specified files. Args: files_path: can be a String of the path or a list of Strings of the paths for multiple files """ self.checkIndexExists() index = self.createIndexer() asList = createAsList(files_path) _TaggedDocumentSetup(self.meta, self.meta_tags) _FileDocumentSetup(self.meta, self.meta_tags) simpleColl = SimpleFileCollection(asList, False) # remove once 5.7 is now the minimum version from . import check_version index.index(simpleColl if check_version("5.7") else [simpleColl]) global lastdoc lastdoc = None self.index_called = True for hook in self.cleanup_hooks: hook(self, index.getIndex()) if self.type is IndexingType.MEMORY: return index.getIndex().getIndexRef() return IndexRef.of(self.index_dir + "/")
class TQDMSizeCollection(PythonJavaClass): __javainterfaces__ = ['org/terrier/indexing/Collection'] def __init__(self, collection, total): super(TQDMSizeCollection, self).__init__() self.collection = collection from . import tqdm self.pbar = tqdm(total=total, unit="documents") @java_method('()Z') def nextDocument(self): rtr = self.collection.nextDocument() self.pbar.update() return rtr @java_method('()V') def reset(self): self.pbar.reset() self.collection.reset() @java_method('()V') def close(self): self.pbar.close() self.collection.close() @java_method('()Z') def endOfCollection(self): return self.collection.endOfCollection() @java_method('()Lorg/terrier/indexing/Document;') def getDocument(self): global lastdoc lastdoc = self.collection.getDocument() return lastdoc class DocListIterator(PythonJavaClass): dpl_class = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.indexing.DocumentPostingList") tuple_class = autoclass("org.terrier.structures.collections.MapEntry") __javainterfaces__ = [ 'java/util/Iterator', ] def __init__(self, pyiterator): self.pyiterator = pyiterator self.hasnext = True self.lastdoc = None import pyterrier as pt self.tr57 = not pt.check_version("5.8") @staticmethod def pyDictToMap(a_dict): #returns Map<String,String> rtr = HashMap() for k,v in a_dict.items(): rtr.put(k, v) return rtr def pyDictToMapEntry(self,doc_dict : Dict[str,Any]): #returns Map.Entry<Map<String,String>, DocumentPostingList>> dpl = DocListIterator.dpl_class() # this works around a bug in the counting of doc lengths in Tr 5.7 if self.tr57: for t, tf in doc_dict["toks"].items(): for i in range(int(tf)): dpl.insert(t) else: # this code for 5.8 onwards for t, tf in doc_dict["toks"].items(): dpl.insert(int(tf), t) # we cant make the toks column into the metaindex as it isnt a string. remove it. del doc_dict["toks"] return DocListIterator.tuple_class(DocListIterator.pyDictToMap(doc_dict), dpl) @java_method('()Z') def hasNext(self): return self.hasnext @java_method('()Ljava/lang/Object;') def next(self): try: doc_dict = next(self.pyiterator) except StopIteration as se: self.hasnext = False # terrier will ignore a null return from an iterator return None # keep this around to prevent being GCd before Java can read it self.lastdoc = self.pyDictToMapEntry(doc_dict) return self.lastdoc class TQDMCollection(PythonJavaClass): __javainterfaces__ = ['org/terrier/indexing/Collection'] def __init__(self, collection): super(TQDMCollection, self).__init__() assert isinstance(collection, autoclass("org.terrier.indexing.MultiDocumentFileCollection")) self.collection = collection size = self.collection.FilesToProcess.size() from . import tqdm self.pbar = tqdm(total=size, unit="files") self.last = -1 @java_method('()Z') def nextDocument(self): rtr = self.collection.nextDocument() filenum = self.collection.FileNumber if filenum > self.last: self.pbar.update(filenum - self.last) self.last = filenum return rtr @java_method('()V') def reset(self): self.pbar.reset() self.collection.reset() @java_method('()V') def close(self): self.pbar.close() self.collection.close() @java_method('()Z') def endOfCollection(self): return self.collection.endOfCollection() @java_method('()Lorg/terrier/indexing/Document;') def getDocument(self): global lastdoc lastdoc = self.collection.getDocument() return lastdoc