Terrier Indexing

PyTerrier has a number of useful classes for creating Terrier indices, which can be used for retrieval, query expansion, etc.

Indexer Classes

There are four indexer classes:

  • You can create an index from TREC-formatted files, from a TREC test collection, using TRECCollectionIndexer.

  • For indexing TXT, PDF, Microsoft Word files, etc files you can use FilesIndexer.

  • For any abitrary iterable dictionaries, or a Pandas Dataframes, you can use IterDictIndexer.

There are also different types of indexing supported in Terrier that are exposed in PyTerrier. We explain both the indexing types and the indexer classes below, with examples. Further worked examples of indexing are provided in the example indexing notebook.


All indexer classes extend TerrierIndexer. Common indexer contrustor arguments for all four indexers are shown below.

class pyterrier.terrier.TerrierIndexer(index_path, *, blocks=False, overwrite=False, verbose=False, meta_reverse=['docno'], stemmer=TerrierStemmer.porter, stopwords=TerrierStopwords.terrier, tokeniser=TerrierTokeniser.english, type=IndexingType.CLASSIC, properties={})[source]

This is the super class for all of the Terrier-based indexers exposed by PyTerrier. It hosts common configuration for all index types.

Constructor called by all indexer subclasses. All arguments listed below are available in IterDictIndexer, DFIndexer, TRECCollectionIndexer and FilesIndsexer.

  • index_path (str) – Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY.

  • blocks (bool) – Create indexer with blocks if true, else without blocks. Default is False.

  • overwrite (bool) – If index already present at index_path, True would overwrite it, False throws an Exception. Default is False.

  • verbose (bool) – Provide progess bars if possible. Default is False.

  • stemmer (TerrierStemmer) – the stemmer to apply. Default is TerrierStemmer.porter.

  • stopwords (TerrierStopwords) – the stopwords list to apply. Default is TerrierStemmer.terrier.

  • tokeniser (TerrierTokeniser) – the stemmer to apply. Default is TerrierTokeniser.english.

  • type (IndexingType) – the specific indexing procedure to use. Default is IndexingType.CLASSIC.

  • properties (dict) – Terrier properties that you wish to overrride.


class pyterrier.terrier.TRECCollectionIndexer(index_path, collection='trec', verbose=False, meta={'docno': 20}, meta_reverse=['docno'], meta_tags={}, **kwargs)[source]

Use this Indexer if you wish to index a TREC formatted collection

Init method

  • index_path (str) – Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY.

  • blocks (bool) – Create indexer with blocks if true, else without blocks. Default is False.

  • overwrite (bool) – If index already present at index_path, True would overwrite it, False throws an Exception. Default is False.

  • type (IndexingType) – the specific indexing procedure to use. Default is IndexingType.CLASSIC.

  • collection (Class name, or Class instance, or one of "trec", "trecweb", "warc")

  • meta (Dict[str,int]) – What metadata for each document to record in the index, and what length to reserve. Metadata fields will be truncated to this length. Defaults to {“docno” : 20}.

  • meta_reverse (List[str]) – What metadata shoudl we be able to resolve back to a docid. Defaults to [“docno”].

  • meta_tags (Dict[str,str]) – For collections formed using tagged data (e.g. HTML), which tags correspond to which metadata. This is useful for recording the text of documents for use in neural rankers - see Working with Document Texts.


Index the specified TREC formatted files


files_path – can be a String of the path or a list of Strings of the paths for multiple files

Example indexing the TREC WT2G corpus:

import pyterrier as pt
# list of filenames to index
files = pt.io.find_files("/path/to/WT2G/wt2g-corpus/")

# build the index
indexer = pt.TRECCollectionIndexer("./wt2g_index", verbose=True, blocks=False)
indexref = indexer.index(files)

# load the index, print the statistics
index = pt.IndexFactory.of(indexref)


class pyterrier.terrier.FilesIndexer(index_path, *, meta={'docno': 20, 'filename': 512}, meta_reverse=['docno'], meta_tags={}, **kwargs)[source]

Use this Indexer if you wish to index a pdf, docx, txt etc files

  • index_path (str) – Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY.

  • blocks (bool) – Create indexer with blocks if true, else without blocks. Default is False.

  • type (IndexingType) – the specific indexing procedure to use. Default is IndexingType.CLASSIC.

  • meta (Dict[str,int]) – What metadata for each document to record in the index, and what length to reserve. Metadata fields will be truncated to this length. Defaults to {“docno” : 20, “filename” : 512}.

  • meta_reverse (List[str]) – What metadata shoudl we be able to resolve back to a docid. Defaults to [“docno”],

  • meta_tags (Dict[str,str]) – For collections formed using tagged data (e.g. HTML), which tags correspond to which metadata. Defaults to empty. This is useful for recording the text of documents for use in neural rankers - see Working with Document Texts.


Index the specified files.


files_path – can be a String of the path or a list of Strings of the paths for multiple files


class pyterrier.terrier.IterDictIndexer(index_path, *, meta={'docno': 20}, text_attrs=['text'], meta_reverse=['docno'], pretokenised=False, fields=False, threads=1, **kwargs)

Use this Indexer if you wish to index an iter of dicts (possibly with multiple fields). This version is optimized by using multiple threads and POSIX fifos to tranfer data, which ends up being much faster.

  • index_path (str) – Directory to store index. Ignored for IndexingType.MEMORY.

  • meta (Dict[str,int]) – What metadata for each document to record in the index, and what length to reserve. Metadata values will be truncated to this length. Defaults to {“docno” : 20}.

  • text_attrs (List[str]) – List of columns of the input data that should be indexed. These are concatenated in the document representation. Defaults to [“text”].

  • meta_reverse (List[str]) – What metadata should we be able to resolve back to a docid. Defaults to [“docno”].

  • pretokenised (bool) – Whether to index pre-tokenized text, e.g., through a Learned Sparse encoder. If True, will ignore text_attrs and indstead index the dictionary contained in the toks column.

  • fields (bool) – Whether a fields-indexer should be used, i.e. whether the frequency in each attribute should be recorded separately in the Terrer index. This allows application of weighting models such as BM25F.

  • threads (int) – Number of threads to use for indexing. Defaults to 1.

  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to TerrierIndexer.

index(it, fields=None)

Index the specified iter of dicts with the (optional) specified fields


it (iter[dict]) – an iter of document dict to be indexed

Examples using IterDictIndexer

An iterdict can just be a list of dictionaries:

docs = [ { 'docno' : 'doc1', 'text' : 'a b c' }  ]
iter_indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index", meta={'docno': 20, 'text': 4096})
indexref1 = iter_indexer.index(docs)

A dataframe can also be used, virtue of its .to_dict() method:

df = pd.DataFrame([['doc1', 'a b c']], columns=['docno', 'text'])
iter_indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index")
indexref2 = indexer.index(df.to_dict(orient="records"))

However, the main power of using IterDictIndexer is for processing indefinite iterables, such as those returned by generator functions. For example, the tsv file of the MSMARCO Passage Ranking corpus can be indexed as follows:

dataset = pt.get_dataset("trec-deep-learning-passages")
def msmarco_generate():
    with pt.io.autoopen(dataset.get_corpus()[0], 'rt') as corpusfile:
        for l in corpusfile:
            docno, passage = l.split("\t")
            yield {'docno' : docno, 'text' : passage}

iter_indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./passage_index", meta={'docno': 20, 'text': 4096})
indexref3 = iter_indexer.index(msmarco_generate())

IterDictIndexer can be used in connection with Indexing Pipelines.

Similarly, indexing of JSONL files is similarly a few lines of Python:

def iter_file(filename):
  import json
  with open(filename, 'rt') as file:
    for l in file:
      # assumes that each line contains 'docno', 'text' attributes
      # yields a dictionary for each json line
      yield json.loads(l)

indexref4 = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index", meta={'docno': 20, 'text': 4096}).index(iter_file("/path/to/file.jsonl"))

NB: Use pt.io.autoopen() as a drop-in replacement for open() that supports files compressed by gzip etc.

Indexing TREC-formatted files using IterDictIndexer

If you have TREC-formatted files that you wish to use with an IterDictIndexer-like indexer, pt.index.treccollection2textgen() can be used as a helper function to aid in parsing such files.

pyterrier.terrier.treccollection2textgen(files, meta=['docno'], meta_tags={'text': 'ELSE'}, verbose=False, num_docs=None, tag_text_length=4096)[source]

Creates a generator of dictionaries on parsing TREC formatted files. This is useful for parsing TREC-formatted corpora in indexers like IterDictIndexer, or similar indexers in other plugins (e.g. ColBERTIndexer).

  • files (-) – list of files to parse in TREC format.

  • meta (-) – list of attributes to expose in the dictionaries as metadata.

  • meta_tags (-) – mapping of TREC tags as metadata.

  • tag_text_length (-) – maximium length of metadata. Defaults to 4096.

  • verbose (-) – set to true to show a TQDM progress bar. Defaults to True.

  • num_docs (-) – a hint for TQDM to size the progress bar based on document counts rather than file count.


files = pt.io.find_files("/path/to/Disk45")
gen = pt.index.treccollection2textgen(files)
index = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index45").index(gen)

Example using Indexing Pipelines:

files = pt.io.find_files("/path/to/Disk45")
gen = pt.index.treccollection2textgen(files)
indexer = pt.text.sliding() >> pt.IterDictIndexer("./index45")
index = indexer.index(gen)


On UNIX-based systems, IterDictIndexer can also perform multi-threaded indexing:

iter_indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./passage_index_8", meta={'docno': 20, 'text': 4096}, threads=8)
indexref6 = iter_indexer.index(msmarco_generate())

Note that the resulting index ordering with multiple threads is non-deterministic; if you need deterministic behavior you must index in single-threaded mode. Furthermore, indexing can only go as quickly as the document iterator, so to take full advantage of multi-threaded indexing, you will need to keep the iterator function light-weight. Many datasets provide a fast corpus iteration function (get_corpus_iter()), see more information in the Importing Datasets.

Indexing Configuration

Our aim is to expose all conventional Terrier indexing configuration through PyTerrier, for instance as constructor arguments to the Indexer classes. However, as Terrier is a legacy platform, some changes will take time to integrate into Terrier. Moreover, the manner of the configuration needed varies a little between the Indexer classes. In the following, we list common indexing configurations, and how to apply them when indexing using PyTerrier, noting any differences betweeen the Indexer classes.

Choice of Indexer

Terrier has three different types of indexer. The choice of indexer is exposed using the type kwarg to the indexer class. The indexer type can be set using the IndexingType enum.

class pyterrier.terrier.IndexingType(value)[source]

This enum is used to determine the type of index built by Terrier. The default is CLASSIC. For more information, see the relevant Terrier indexer and realtime documentation.


A classical indexing regime, which also creates a direct index structure, useful for query expansion


A single-pass indexing regime, which builds an inverted index directly. No direct index structure is created. Typically is faster than classical indexing.


An in-memory index. No persistent index is created.

Stemming configuation or stopwords

The default Terrier indexing configuration is to apply an English stopword list, and Porter’s stemmer. You can configure this using the stemmer and stopwords kwargs for the various indexers:

indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer(stemmer='SpanishSnowballStemmer', stopwords=None)
class pyterrier.terrier.TerrierStemmer(value)[source]

This enum provides an API for the stemmers available in Terrier. The stemming configuration is saved in the index and loaded at retrieval time. Snowball stemmers for various languages are available in Terrier.

It can also be used to access the stemmer:

stemmer = pt.TerrierStemmer.porter
stemmed_word = stemmer.stem('abandoned')
none = 'none'

Apply no stemming

porter = 'porter'

Apply Porter’s English stemmer

weakporter = 'weakporter'

Apply a weak version of Porter’s English stemmer

danish = 'danish'

Snowball Danish stemmer

finnish = 'finnish'

Snowball Finnish stemmer

german = 'german'

Snowball German stemmer

hungarian = 'hungarian'

Snowball Hungarian stemmer

norwegian = 'norwegian'

Snowball Norwegian stemmer

portugese = 'portugese'

Snowball Portuguese stemmer

swedish = 'swedish'

Snowball Swedish stemmer

turkish = 'turkish'

Snowball Turkish stemmer

See also the org.terrier.terms package for a list of the available term pipeline objects provided by Terrier.

Similarly the use of Terrier’s English stopword list can be disabled using the stopwords kwarg.

class pyterrier.terrier.TerrierStopwords(value)[source]

This enum provides an API for the stopword configuration used during indexing with Terrier

none = 'none'

No Stopwords

terrier = 'terrier'

Apply Terrier’s standard stopword list

custom = 'custom'

Apply PyTerrierCustomStopwordList.Indexing for indexing, and PyTerrierCustomStopwordList.Retrieval for retrieval

A custom stopword list can be set by setting the stopwords kwarg to a list of words:

indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index", stopwords=['a', 'an', 'the'])

Languages and Tokenisation

Similarly, the choice of tokeniser can be controlled in the indexer constructor using the tokeniser kwarg. EnglishTokeniser is the default tokeniser. Other tokenisers are listed in org.terrier.indexing.tokenisation package. For instance, its common to use UTFTokeniser when indexing non-English text:

indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer(stemmer=None, stopwords=None, tokeniser="UTFTokeniser")
class pyterrier.terrier.TerrierTokeniser(value)[source]

This enum provides an API for the tokeniser configuration used during indexing with Terrier.

whitespace = 'whitespace'

Tokenise on whitespace only

english = 'english'

Terrier’s standard tokeniser, designed for English

utf = 'utf'

A variant of Terrier’s standard tokeniser, similar to English, but with UTF support.

twitter = 'twitter'

Like utf, but keeps hashtags etc

identity = 'identity'

Performs no tokenisation - strings are kept as is.

Positions (aka blocks)

All indexer classes expose a blocks boolean constructor argument to allow position information to be recoreded in the index. Defaults to False, i.e. positions are not recorded.


Fields refers to storing the frequency of a terms occurrence in different parts of a document, e.g. title vs. body vs. anchor text.

IterDictIndexer can be configured to record fields by setting the fields=True kwarg to the constructor. For instance, if we have two different fields to a document:

docs = [ {'docno' : 'd1', 'title': 'This is the title', 'text' : 'This is the main document']
indexref = pt.IterDictIndexer("./index_fields", text_attrs=['text', 'title'], fields=True).index(docs)
index = pt.IndexFactory.of(indexref)
print(index.getCollectionStatistics().getNumberOfFields()) # will print 2
# make a BM25F retriever, places twice as much weight on the title as the main body
bm25 = pt.terrier.Retriever(index, wmodel='BM25F', controls={'w.0' = 1, 'w.1' = 2, 'c.0' = 0.75, 'c.1' = 0.5})

See the Terrier indexing documentation on fields for more information.

NB: Since PyTerrier 0.13, IterDictIndexer no longer records fields by default. This speeds up indexing and retrieval when field-based models such as BM25F are not required.

Changing the tags parsed by TREC Collection

Use the relevant properties listed in the Terrier indexing documentation.

MetaIndex configuration

Metadata refers to the arbitrary strings associated to each document recorded in a Terrier index. These can range from the “docno” attribute of each document, as used to support experimentation, to other attributes such as the URL of the documents, or even the raw text of the document. Indeed, storing the raw text of each document is a trick often used when applying additional re-rankers such as BERT (see pyterrier_bert for more information on integrating PyTerrier with BERT-based re-rankers). Indexers now expose meta and meta_tags constructor kwarg to make this easier.

Reverse MetaIndex configuration

On occasion, there is a need to lookup up documents in a Terrier index based on their metadata, e.g. “docno”. The meta_reverse constructor kwarg allows meta keys that support reverse lookup to be specified.


Sometimes you want more fine-grained control over the tokenisation directly within PyTerrier. In this case, each document to be indexed can contain a dictionary of pre-tokenised text and their counts. This works if the pretokenised flag is set to True at indexing time:

iter_indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./pretokindex", meta={'docno': 20}, threads=1, pretokenised=True)
indexref6 = iter_indexer.index([
    {'docno' : 'd1', 'toks' : {'a' : 1, '##2' : 2}},
    {'docno' : 'd2', 'toks' : {'a' : 2, '##2' : 1}}

This allows tokenisation using, for instance, the HuggingFace tokenizers:

iter_indexer = pt.IterDictIndexer("./pretokindex", meta={'docno': 20}, pretokenised=True)
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
from collections import Counter

tok = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")

# This creates a new column called 'toks', where each row contains
# a dictionary of the BERT WordPiece tokens of the 'text' column.
# This simple example tokenises one row at a time, this could be
# made more efficient to utilise batching support in the tokeniser.
token_row_apply = pt.apply.toks(lambda row: Counter(tok.tokenize(row['text'])))

index_pipe = token_row_apply >> iter_indexer
indexref = index_pipe.index([
    {'docno' : 'd1', 'text' : 'do goldfish grow?'},
    {'docno' : 'd2', 'text' : ''}

At retrieval time, WordPieces that contain special characters (e.g. ‘##w’ ‘[SEP]’) need to be encoded so as to avoid Terrier’s tokeniser. We use pt.rewrite.tokenise() to apply a tokeniser to the query, setting matchop to True, such that pt.terrier.Retriever.matchop() is called to ensure that rewritten query terms are properly encoded:

br = pt.terrier.Retriever(indexref)
tok = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("bert-base-uncased")
query_toks = pt.rewrite.tokenise(tok.tokenize, matchop=True)
retr_pipe = query_toks >> br